Lens of Reason is a series of very brief quotable perspectives on the world. Concise captivating concepts expressed visually. Please like, comment and share.
Lens of Reason 7 - Inequality
The paradox of inequality provides for two perspectives
Elation or Inspiration
As we struggle, that which is just beyond our grasp is the inspiration to reach further. When we accomplish, we experience the elation of what we have overcome while also becoming the inspiration for the next to follow.
The real dystopia is being exactly equal. Void of significance while drowning in uniform despair.
Inequality of the type where we don’t have the same acquired capabilities and accomplishments may seem to be undesirable for a brief contemplation. However, absolute equality is not necessarily the ideal condition of society that many perceive it to be. Counterintuitively, it very well may be a dystopian existence.
With no difference in accomplishment or capability, there is nothing to marvel at in stupendous wonder. Admiration and inspiration provide immense positive value and experience in one’s life. Being awestruck requires witnessing something significantly better than yourself while reflecting on the significance as measured by your understanding of the challenges overcome to get there.
What is important for meaning, is believing becoming more than you are today is possible and that what you have become can be an inspiration for others. In this respect, it is the potential for change and what we have changed within ourselves or others that we find of value that gives us purpose.