Lens of Reason is a series of very brief quotable perspectives on the world. Concise captivating concepts expressed visually. Please like, comment and share.
Lens of Reason 10 - Failure
My failures continue to ravage and fracture all that I am while leaving me more humble and wiser in their wake.
I wish there were another path, but this is the only path.
Every failure is a lesson learned in life. You are humbled as you realize there is more to learn than you originally conceived and your progress is not as advanced as you had originally believed.
The knowledge gained makes you wiser about your limits as well as what is now required to move past them. There is no other path to great wisdom except through many failures as what we gain is often the kind of knowledge not found in books or writing, but can only be experienced.
The person who makes it to the top, battle-worn through inevitably conquered failures, is standing on a defensible foundation. However, the person who finds themselves on top due to circumstance will not be able to sustain it.
“I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.”
― Thomas A. Edison
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