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Lens of Reason 16 - Certainty
Certainty is only an illusion without uncertainty.
Significant uncertainty must precede certainty else what could we be certain about?
If certainty is never challenged, then it remains merely an assumption with no foundation.
The dichotomy between certainty and uncertainty is seemingly paradoxical. Opposites in meaning, but unable to have meaning without the other.
Absolute certainty leads us to have such confidence as to never question the basis for our perspective. Therefore it is an idea cemented in a moment of time that can not grow. However, we would never know if there are valid challenges to that idea if never considered.
Certainty requires constant uncertainty to challenge its validity. Otherwise, certainty is nothing more than an illusion of confidence as we have convinced ourselves of assumptions.
“Uncertainty is an uncomfortable position. But certainty is an absurd one.”
― Voltaire
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